Finding Inspiration Everywhere – Interview with Digital Artist Ron Van Alff

“Awakened Creator describes me really well, because I started creating art for the first time in my life (in my 40’s) in the same period that I started to awaken!” Today’s Awakened Creator Spotlight is on Ron van Alff, a digital artist, who explores his heartfelt expression through the merging of photography and spiritual intuition.  Connect …

Let Your Love Dance Free – Interview with Movement Artist Hilda Stumpf

“It’s funny the entire loop back. It’s what always brought me joy at a young age and I just had to find my way back to it.” Today’s first ever Official Awakened Creator Spotlight shines on Hilda Stumpf, a movement artist and intuitive dancer, who embodies the heartfelt authentic expression we aim for here at Awakened …

macro photography of woman

Have Everything But Still Unhappy? You Might be a Repressed Creative

For over a decade I forced myself to deny my heart’s desires and go after career goals and aspirations that had more to do with what other people wanted than what my heart did. I figured, like lots of folks do, if I just check off this list of things (house, job, education, family, etc.) …

man tattooed praying

The Best Prayer for Creativity: The Awakened Creators Invocation

Listen up, because this is the creative ritual that I engage in before starting any creative project. It really helps me to release self-judgement and open up to creative flow. It is hands down, the best prayer for creativity I have ever used. The Awakened Creators Invocation (aka Creativity Prayer), is super easy to understand …

The REAL reason you can’t create (and 5 ways to fix it)

You know the feeling. You pick up the blank paper or canvas, fully expecting to create something amazing, but then nothing happens. You’re completely paralyzed.  Your mind starts racing and you think, “I used to be so creative. What happened?” Are you losing your creativity? Is creativity something you can even run out of? Let …

10 Creativity Prompts to Help You Take Creative Risks

When we feel safe and protected, we are able to move beyond our comfort zones (whether by force or voluntarily) and still feel that we are okay. In human development, this is known as “secure attachment” and the effect of its presence or absence in our childhoods extends far into our adult lives.  If we …

3 Family Dynamics that Killed Your Creativity as a Child

A child’s capacity for creativity is unbridled. So much so that as adults, we often look to children for inspiration on how to be creative, open minded, and imaginative.  But what happens to children whose creativity is not greeted with respect or is in some way inhibited by born-into circumstances?  It is likely that those …