Don’t Exhaust Yourself Trying to Overcome Creative Blocks, Move Through Them Like This Instead

We talk a lot about overcoming creative blocks with language primed for battle. We scour the internet for ways to “beat creative blocks” or “get rid of creative blocks”. We commiserate to other artists that creative blocks are something we have to begrudgingly deal with or spend time spinning our wheels to solve. Famous creative warrior-himself, writer Steven Pressfield, even wrote a whole bible about the relentless battle against creative blocks titled, THE WAR OF ART. But what if, creative resistance as Pressfield calls it, wasn’t some terrible boogie-man we need to shield our tender creative hearts against, but a normal part of the creative journey, and maybe even a positive one? A More Effective View of Creative Blocks Along my creative journey, I’ve found that my personal creative blocks have been the catalyst for some of the most valuable opportunities to finally resolve the negative beliefs and thought patterns that have not only been keeping me blocked in my writing or art, but in other areas of my life as well. Instead of running away from my creative blocks, when I chose to move through them, I was able to gain long-lasting peace from the subconscious patterns that kept disturbing my creative flow.  Rather than try and circumnavigate creative blocks, only to have them pop up again later, I want to empower you to move through these blocks in ways that expand and ignite you, instead of leaving you exhausted trying to resist your resistance.  Here are five strategies for you to employ the next time creative blocks come up for you. How to Make Your Creative Blocks Work for You The first rule about creative blocks (which I’ll refer to here as shadows) is that we have to shine a light on them in order to see them. The most effective way I have found to do that is through journaling. But this isn’t your standard, diary of your day or endless pages of self-loathing, it’s a specific journaling technique that will help you more effectively get to the root of your creative block. Whether you’re new to journaling or you’ve tried journaling before with lackluster results, be sure and try this technique.  Understand What Creative Block You’re Working With The best way to get to the root of your creative block is to understand what you’re working with. Whatever that voice inside you is saying, let it have some space on the paper. Maybe it sounds something like: “I’ll never be good enough to create this [desired project here].”  “I don’t have enough skills/talent/connections to make this art career work.”  “I have to do things that make me uncomfortable in order to be successful.” The Key Questions to Ask Creative Blocks Once we get eyes on what all the internal fuss is about, we can spend some time questioning these limiting beliefs like a criminal interrogator. Cue your inner “bad cop” and give those limiting beliefs the third degree. Ask yourself the where, when, who and why behind them. Where did this belief come from? When did I hear this was the case? Who told me this was true? Why does believing this feel safer than the alternative? Remember This About Creative Blocks Creative blocks are not the Universe conspiring against you or proof that you aren’t cut out for bringing your artistic vision to life. Creative blocks are simply aspects of your ego (usually via distorted mindsets) that are trying to keep you safe. They’re trying to protect you from your fears of failure, humiliation, etc. When the ego and mind get in cahoots against your creative spirit, no matter how much agony it causes your heart, they think they’re doing it out of love. When you find out the core motivation behind your creative block, you will finally understand what support your spirit is truly asking for.  Give Your Creative Block What It’s (really) Asking For Now is the part where instead of avoiding your creative block, you actually give it what it’s after. But not by giving into the lie. Instead, go straight for the protection your heart needs. For example, if your ego is telling you “you don’t have enough skills to make this creative dream work”… and you discovered through journaling that it’s pretty similar to a situation in school where you tried your hardest on an assignment and got a low grade, and that your ego is just trying to protect you from disappointment, heartbreak, and humiliation…then you can decide to give your heart the protection it needs, without linking it to pursuing an art career. You can choose to love yourself no matter what, to work on developing a sense of self-worth that isn’t attached to external validation, you can choose to show up for yourself in ways that your family or teachers or friends never did. You can choose to give yourself the sense of security you need to feel safe to pursue your dreams, all by yourself. Simply by deciding to. When Creative Blocks are Rooted Deep I used the example of needing security in order to feel safe to create because it’s such a common one. Nearly every creative I work with has trouble protecting their self worth and value when it comes to their creativity. They allow setbacks to be proof of failure, lack of sales to dishearten them, and naysayers to control their destiny. But a sense of security is possible to cultivate without any external validation. In fact, if you want to have experience long term creative success…it’s 100% necessary. And it all starts at the root…the root chakra. Our base chakra or root chakra is the energetic foundation from which our entire creative journey springs from. We can’t get far beyond “survival mode” until we clear, heal, and balance the energy in our root chakra. By establishing a healthy root chakra system, we can secure ourselves in a sense of self-worth that will support us throughout the rest of our creative journey. …

Awakening the Medicine of Art – Interview with Intuitive Artist Adrienne Stohr Lewis

“My painting practice is a sacred space where I can connect to myself and spirit. It is a space where I speak my truth and where I rewrite my limiting stories and beliefs.” Today’s Awakened Creator Spotlight is on Adrienne Stohr Lewis, an art medicine woman, intuitive artist, and community herbalist, who is reconnecting with her authentic spirit and ancestors through the medicine of art. Connect with her on Instagram @otter.woman. Here is Adrienne in her own words on her creative journey and what it means to be an Awakened Creator. Tell us about your authentic creative expression. What do you love to create and why? I love to paint. I love acrylic and watercolor mediums. My painting practice is a sacred space where I can connect to myself and spirit. It is a space where I speak my truth and where I rewrite my limiting stories and beliefs. It is where I reconnect to my authentic self and feel my ancestors and guides showing me my next right thing. This alchemy shows up in the very intuitive almost shamanic nature of my paintings.  What most often gets in your way as a creator and how do you stay in alignment and flow? The hard truth is, I get in my own way. My stories around perfectionism and productivity are my biggest obstacles. I was taught to hustle, to please, to be polite, and to excel at whatever I did, and if I wasn’t the best to drop it. Painting has helped me cultivate my personal integrity and authenticity, to be really honest with myself. I’ve realized that me being my most whole and authentic self is my greatest gift to the world. A big part of this alignment for me is staying in relationship with my menstrual cycle. When my critic shows up it is most often in the luteal phase of my cycle. My flow and alignment are directly tied to this cycle. In the beginning of my month I often feel very expansive, free, intuitive and creative. In the later half of my cycle I feel much more introspective, slower, and less motivated. Being in alignment with my cycle gives me permission to be a different new version of myself everyday and helps me recognize when the shadow of perfectionism and productivity threaten to dominate my creative space. If you could offer words of wisdom or support to your fellow creators, what would you say? A wisdom I love and think of often is the idea that we can only see what already exists inside of us. If you are drawn to the magic of a certain tree it is because the tree is mirroring back to you something magical about yourself. I trust that if you are here reading this and following Awakened Creators it is because your creative spirit has been awakened. We have all these ideas about what it means to be “creative” and an “artist”. The truth is we are all creative beings and we are creating all day everyday of our lives. It may not be the “art” you dream of making, but when we begin to look at our lives as art we begin to make the transition from matching a shirt and a pair of pants together as an expression of our unique selves, to the confidence to put that expression on paper or canvas or on the dance floor. You’re already an artist making life art, what else are you going to create?  How did you become a part of the Awakened Creators community and what does being an Awakened Creator mean to you? I found Amanda/or she found me (I can’t recall actually) on Instagram and I LOVE all of her posts. I feel like I’m growing with her posts. Sometimes I read them and I’ve just had an ha-ha about a post she’s shared, so it’s deeply validating, or she’ll share something and it creates that ah-ha moment because I was ripe for the lesson. Always I feel there is such deep magic and wisdom in her work and that she is of such service to this community which I deeply admire. Want to connect with Adrienne? Check out Adrienne’s incredible healing creations on: Instagram: @otter.woman Facebook: Otter Woman Earth Medicine or visit for painting courses & herbal healing. Do you have the desire to align with your authentic creative expression? If you want to feel free to create from the heart, my HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide will show you a pathway home. I will personally guide you (with quick video lessons) through a simple yet powerful creative ritual that will bring your heART back online so you can start creating from that space again. Access the HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide for free.

Claiming Creative Freedom – Interview with Dadaist P.J. D’Agostino

“I would actually like to think that nothing gets in my way as a creator anymore, but it wasn’t always like this. It took a lot of energy to get here, and it happened very slowly.” Today’s Awakened Creator Spotlight is on P.J. D’Agostino, a dadaist, who brings forth their own unique expression by using unconventional mediums. Connect with them on Instagram @ser8phim Here is P.J. in their own words on their creative journey and what it means to be an Awakened Creator. Tell us about your authentic creative expression. What do you love to create and why? The medium I love to work in most is my menstrual flow, because it comes to me for free, and sometimes I find things in nature to paint on or with, so it feels like the entire experience is coming exclusively from the earth and really gives an enhanced feel of meditation while creating. What most often gets in your way as a creator and how do you stay in alignment and flow? I would actually like to think that nothing gets in my way as a creator anymore, but it wasn’t always like this. It took a lot of energy to get here, and it happened very slowly. Before, I would have told you that other humans’ opinions were getting in my way, or something like that. If you could offer words of wisdom or support to your fellow creators, what would you say? I want to tell all my fellow humans to create, and do it like you mean it! It can be anything, as long as it is done with love. With love, anything is possible! How did you become a part of the Awakened Creators community and what does being an Awakened Creator mean to you? I believe I saw [Amanda’s] comments on a mutual friend’s art, and [she] seemed so free and encouraging, and all of [her] posts made sense to me when I sought them out! Being an Awakened Creator means I am allowed to learn from and with a beautiful community of humans also committed to loving creation in this lifetime. Want to connect with P.J.? Check out P.J.’s incredible creations on Instagram @ser8phim. Do you have the desire to align with your authentic creative expression? If you want to feel free to create from the heart, my HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide will show you a pathway home. I will personally guide you (with quick video lessons) through a simple yet powerful creative ritual that will bring your heART back online so you can start creating from that space again. Access the HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide for free.

Finding Inspiration Everywhere – Interview with Digital Artist Ron Van Alff

“Awakened Creator describes me really well, because I started creating art for the first time in my life (in my 40’s) in the same period that I started to awaken!” Today’s Awakened Creator Spotlight is on Ron van Alff, a digital artist, who explores his heartfelt expression through the merging of photography and spiritual intuition.  Connect with him on Instagram/TikTok/Twitter @ronvibesart. Here is Ron in his own words on his creative journey and what it means to be an Awakened Creator. Tell us about your authentic creative expression. What do you love to create and why? I love to take pictures of trees, the sky, churches, houses, flowers & lamps for example. Afterwards I look for a picture that “speaks” to me and I start editing it. Because I have been doing this extensively for a while now I have some tricks up my sleeve. But when I start I don’t know exactly what it will become. I work very intuitively. During this process I start seeing something, feeling something and it gets spiritual meaning most of the times. I tend to create lots of portals, parallel universes and dreamworlds. This process makes me lose time and relaxes me. And I get excited starting something new. That’s why I do it! What most often gets in your way as a creator and how do you stay in alignment and flow? Because I have several special interests, I might become too involved with other things and not create any art for a few days. It’s just something I realise and then I make myself start on a photo. After a short while the drive and the routine comes back. Creating my art goes hand in hand with my spiritual work. So meditation and reading about philosophy helps me in my creative flow as well. If you could offer words of wisdom or support to your fellow creators, what would you say? Create what YOU like. Get excited about that, create every day, you’ll get better. But don’t give yourself deadlines with that. Some people improve within weeks, some people take years. And as a digital artist: look for collaborations after a while. They can be fun and you can learn a lot from it! I know I have!    “Create what YOU like. Get excited about that, create every day, you’ll get better.” How did you become a part of the Awakened Creators community and what does being an Awakened Creator mean to you? I remember starting my Instagram account with my art last year and after a short while I gravitated to certain artists. What I noticed was their loving vibe, the positive way they communicate and the fact that they’re spiritual like me (in the end we are all spiritual beings). I started following Awakened Creators right away! Awakened Creator describes me really well, because I started creating art for the first time in my life (in my 40’s) in the same period that I started to awaken! I became interested in source, fabric of the universe, manifestation, reincarnation and more. Want to connect with Ron? Check out Ron’s incredible digital artwork on Instagram, TikTok, & Twitter @ronvibesart.  Do you have the desire to align with your authentic creative expression? If you want to feel free to create from the heart, my HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide will show you a pathway home. I will personally guide you (with quick video lessons) through a simple yet powerful creative ritual that will bring your heART back online so you can start creating from that space again. Access the HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide for free.

Let Your Love Dance Free – Interview with Movement Artist Hilda Stumpf

“It’s funny the entire loop back. It’s what always brought me joy at a young age and I just had to find my way back to it.” Today’s first ever Official Awakened Creator Spotlight shines on Hilda Stumpf, a movement artist and intuitive dancer, who embodies the heartfelt authentic expression we aim for here at Awakened Creators. Connect with her on Instagram @hildaliz_stumpf_ Here is Hilda in her own words on her creative journey and what it means to be an Awakened Creator.  Tell us about your authentic creative expression. What do you love to create and why? Movement. My main love is dancing but I’m also learning to hula hoop dance. Next on my list is ribbon dancing, bongo drumming and slack lining.  Basically, if it catches my attention and it looks like fun I’m going to want to try it out. After my awakening I just don’t hold back. As early as elementary school I was always drawn to music videos and I would watch on repeat until I learned them. Like many teenagers during the 90s, I was making choreographies and teaching my best friend so we could perform it to anyone who would watch. It’s funny, at a younger age we have no shame of fear or judgment. We tend to start feeling it when we become aware of other’s expectations. That’s when I allowed myself to bury that part of me. At the age of 10, I can remember teaching myself how to use my parent’s camcorder to record my dancing. I also liked acting out scenes from my favorite movies. It’s funny the entire loop back. It’s what always brought me joy at a young age and I just had to find my way back to it. All because I followed that random thought to try hula hooping, I ended up finding my love of dancing again. What most often gets in your way as a creator and how do you stay in alignment and flow? I find the days where my energy is lower I end up getting in my own way and ultimately can’t create from a space of flow. The fluidity of my movements only comes easy when I’m in a grounded mindset. Not even necessarily in a ”positive” mindset but the awareness of what I’m currently feeling in that present moment and if I’m okay creating from that space then I can. I find meditation prior to practicing or just a calm morning routine to start the day can help. Also, listening to high frequency music has been a game changer when I’m feeling out of alignment. If you could offer words of wisdom or support to your fellow creators, what would you say? Something I wish I was told when I started my journey of self discovery is that when inspiration hits out of no where to create or try out an entirely new thing, don’t dismiss that thought. I was out one day getting groceries and I randomly decided I wanted to buy a hula hoop. So I did that very day and it’s what lead to my discovery that I can control my movement in ways I never knew. Before my awakening, I may have been too distracted to catch that thought let alone pursue it. Second, and just as important, whatever you do…do it for you. Follow your intuition or what feels right to you. You are the creator of your reality. There’s no need for outside validation for your art. Whatever you create do it from the heart. “There’s no need for outside validation for your art. Whatever you create do it from the heart.” How did you become a part of the Awakened Creators community and what does being an Awakened Creator mean to you? I found the Awakened Creator community through Instagram. Uplifting one another’s content allowed us to build a better connection. I have since participated in a few of the hosted meditations and plan to sit in on more. I believe that building connections, whether online or not, is how we progress. The more people, culture, ideas, conversation…diversity, the better I believe everyone will be for it. I have allowed myself to be open to building online friendships and connections. The connection to the Awakened Creator community happened naturally and organically for me. For me personally it means creating from a space of awareness. When you’re doing something you love that’s aligned with your higher self, all that can come out of it is pure. Want to connect with Hilda? Check out Hilda’s heartfelt and groovy dance moves on her Instagram @hildaliz_stumpf_ Do you have the desire to align with your authentic creative expression? If you want to feel free to create from the heart, my HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide will show you a pathway home. I will personally guide you (with quick video lessons) through a simple yet powerful creative ritual that will bring your heART back online so you can start creating from that space again. Access the HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide for free.

macro photography of woman

Have Everything But Still Unhappy? You Might be a Repressed Creative

For over a decade I forced myself to deny my heart’s desires and go after career goals and aspirations that had more to do with what other people wanted than what my heart did. I figured, like lots of folks do, if I just check off this list of things (house, job, education, family, etc.) I would be satisfied. But when I got there, I was still unhappy. I had a master’s degree, a full time job helping others in higher education, a custom-built suburban home, a marriage, and a child. I had everything I was told would make me happy, but I was still miserable. Symptoms of my Core Unhappiness I felt ashamed. What was wrong with me that I could have everything and still be unhappy? And when you are unfulfilled, you look for ways to “fill up”… I didn’t know what the real problem was. I just knew I was unhappy. So I drank. First a little. Then a lot. And when the liquor store worker starts to know you by first name…you have a problem. But I didn’t know what the real problem was. I just knew I was unhappy, despite having everything. After hitting my rock bottom in 2017 and nearly throwing myself off a bridge and leaving my 2-year old son and husband behind, I had a change of heart…or heart had a change of me. I had trapped my heart in a prison of other people’s expectations of the “right way” of living. But what could be more wrong than denying your heart its happiness?? Understanding my True Identity as a Creative I remember like it was yesterday. The energy was immense and pink and loving. It hit me like a wave and was so overwhelmingly loving that I broke down and cried, watching as all the shattered pieces of my life were stitched together in a perfect mosaic and I saw the truth. I was creative. A very, very repressed creative. I realized I was an artist (and always had been) who was pretending to be something I wasn’t. I had trapped my heart in a prison of other people’s expectations of the “right way” of living. But what could be more wrong than denying your heart its happiness?? Thus, my creative and spiritual awakening journey began, exploding in a swirl of writing and painting combined with meditation and journaling, as all manner of authentic self expression unleashed. I didn’t realize how much repressed creativity and suppressed emotions lived in me, stemming all the way back from childhood, that just wanted to be seen and heard. The more I expressed creatively the lighter I started to feel, like layers of heavy blankets being pulled off my spirit.  Shortly thereafter, Awakened Creators was born in my mission to help others find the joy within that I did. I was tired of seeing creative souls suffering in jobs they hated, doing what they were told would make them happy (like I was) and being miserable day in and day out. I had broke free from my own prison and I was ready to help others do the same. Choosing to Live a Creative Life Instead Five years later, I am officially done with my unfulfilling 9-5 job and traveling the world full-time with my family, all while serving the creative community I love through Awakened Creators and expressing my own creativity through my writing and painting. I never thought I could be this happy! And don’t think I had some formulaic plan or strategy. In no way did I imagine things happening like they have. The Universe is so much more intelligent than I. All I knew was that creative expression was the answer and honoring it (despite how scared I was to follow my creative passion) has freed me to pursue the life of my dreams. Not to mention…doing a TON of inner work so I could do the outer work I loved. I share this raw truth about my past battle with addiction and suicide because it all led me to this moment. A moment my heart has waited all my life to feel again. Freedom. Joy. Purpose. And I believe you can make the shift as well, even if you are just at the beginning of your journey. So if you are told you have everything, but you are still unhappy, consider that you might be a repressed creative and let’s open the doorway to your heART.  You are in the right place I promise. Welcome home, Awakened Creator.

man tattooed praying

The Best Prayer for Creativity: The Awakened Creators Invocation

Listen up, because this is the creative ritual that I engage in before starting any creative project. It really helps me to release self-judgement and open up to creative flow. It is hands down, the best prayer for creativity I have ever used. The Awakened Creators Invocation (aka Creativity Prayer), is super easy to understand and use.  You can check out the quick video I made to explain the process, or just read this blog! Step 1 – Create Sacred Space The first thing that I have to do is create sacred space as part of my creativity ritual. I have a whole video playlist devoted to how to create sacred space as part of developing your own creative rituals here. Creating sacred space for my creativity includes: Locking the door Asking my family not to disturb me Clearing my energy (you can burn sage or just take some deep breaths) Center in my heart (you can hold crystals (link to crystals for creativity) or just place your hands on your heart) Step 2 – Read the Creativity Prayer Out Loud Now it is time to read the Awakened Creators Invocation, which you can download in my FREE Elevate & Create Guide. Note: This creativity prayer allows you to insert the name of your own personal concept of God. It does not require you to hold any particular religion or belief system or any belief system at all. You could pray to Yoda for all I care.  It is important that you read the invocation aloud and with sincerity. It will feel awkward at first and that’s okay. You will get used to it with time and soon even memorize the words.  And that’s it! Performing this super simple ritual for creativity is a great way to clear your mind, and prepare yourself for whatever experience wants to come through.  If you haven’t downloaded the FREE Elevate and Create PDF Guide you can do that here. The PDF of the invocation is gorgeous! I’m super proud of it! I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. And don’t forget to join the Awakened Creators family over on Instagram @awakened.creators for daily creative inspiration and guidance.  Much love, Amanda

two paintbrushes on multicolored abstract painting

4 Concrete Truths Abstract Art Taught Me

I have always wanted to paint. But I never felt comfortable with the medium. Even though I immensely love watercolor paintings, whenever I tried to paint them myself, it just made a smeary mess. And when I tried acrylics, the tiny tubes of paint felt so precious that I had this incredible fear of “wasting” paint. Enter…abstract art. I’ve always been attracted to abstract art. I appreciate how it can bypass the mind and go straight to the heart and soul. The experience of looking at abstract art is so different for each viewer and can speak to us in ways we can’t even articulate. Abstract art can be powerful. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been feeling the call to pick up some paints and give abstract painting a shot. So I set an intention to manifest some instruction and guidance and it wasn’t too long after that when Christa Forrest synchronisticly appeared in my Instagram feed. Her work resonated deeply with me and when I discovered she taught a FREE Artful Inspirations Course on Floral Abstracts I knew it was meant to be.  Exploring this new form of expression took me on a swift but deep journey where I was able to learn some concrete truths about myself and my life. I wanted to share what I learned with you and I encourage you (if you have interest in abstract art) to try Christa’s free course and see what emerges for you.  Truth 1: Just “going for it” = liberation and joy Before I even began painting, the experience of buying supplies terrified me. I was encouraged to purchase a canvas larger than I felt comfortable with and as I stood in the craft store, the size and price of the canvases scared me. “What if I wasted my money and just made a mess?” After trying to negotiate myself to a smaller size, I eventually just went for it and bought TWO 24” x 36” canvases and paints! The $80+ purchase made me nervous, but afterwards, I felt so free! I had invested in myself and my joy. And driving home with that feeling was priceless. Truth 2: Change is inevitable (and leads to growth) Each creative experience transforms us, taking us beyond the level we were at before. Sometimes the change is small. And sometimes, the change is HUGE and noticeable. As I worked through my abstract layers, each one painted to a different genre of music (Pandora/Spotify stations shown),  a different part of myself was unveiled and each experience was entirely different. Layer 1 was freeing and fun, totally loose and flowing. Layer 2 was soothing and spiritual, completely meditative and trace-like. But then came Layer 3 and…HELLO CREATIVE BLOCK!  Truth 3: Discomfort is a signal (not an invitation for judgement) Shortly after I began work on Layer 3, I started to feel totally lost. Something was blocking my creative flow and the experience was not pleasant. I could have stopped in that moment, said “screw it” and decided that I was not cut out for abstract art. But rather than judge myself, which I knew would get me nowhere, I decided to pause, tune inward, and compassionately ask myself what was wrong.  Truth 4: It pays to listen (to yourself)  As I got quiet and tuned in to listen…my intuition, my inner guidance, my higher self began to speak.  What was wrong, I realized, was that I was clinging to the work I had done in Layer 2, even though I didn’t really love it. I felt obligated to stay committed to the direction my piece appeared to be going. I was torn between what I had started and what my heart really wanted. In an instant, I saw so many parallels in my life. Jobs I had clung to, even though I hated them, but felt “locked in” and “trapped”. Obligations to other people that I knew I should have never agreed to in the first place, but felt chained to now that I said “yes” when I should have said “no”.  This was a moment for me to stand up for myself, for all those times I had let obligation and commitment rule me, instead of following my gut. So…I mixed up black and blue, picked up my brush and started making irreversible dark marks on my canvas. It was then, I realized I had come full circle by once more applying Truth 1, and going for it. Liberated and free, I allowed creative flow to return.  The last two layers (4 & 5) came quite naturally, and I even spent some time in the company of my family as I worked the final layers of my painting. As I look at my finished piece I am reminded of the incredible journey it took me on from start to finish. I love the symbolic nature of the lotus flowers that emerged (and the subtle nod to the Tower card in tarot). If you don’t know, lotus flowers grow in the muddiest, mucky waters and through all that, they bloom this pure, gorgeous expression of nature. I also see a lot of chakra messaging in the colors of my painting, mainly the blue (throat), green (heart), and violet (crown), encouraging me to speak truth to my heart’s desire in order to experience divine alignment.  Years ago, I could have never moved through this experience so easily. I feel fortunate to have a firm understanding of the Cycle of Creative Flow, a framework that came to me at the beginning of my creative journey, and has proven invaluable to my creative process. I apply the principles of the creative flow cycle to every creative project I undertake, including working on Awakened Creators content. And the best part is, that once you integrate these teachings, they stay with you forever. I share all the wisdom I have come to understand about The Cycle of Creative Flow in my online course, which features 15 quick …

person with body painting

3 Powerful Lessons Reclaiming Creativity Taught Me

If you would have met me back in 2017, you would think I had everything going for me. I had a partner, a child, and a good paying job. I was even going to graduate school to further my career prospects. But despite appearances, my life was a complete mess. Beneath the surface, I was an alcoholic, putting down 1.5 to 2 bottles of wine every night (a huge improvement from my former pints of vodka). When I remembered, I would take my anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medication (a terrible mix with booze btw). And whenever alcohol wasn’t available, I would eat my feelings in a stomach-turning sugar binge.  All of this self-destruction and self-loathing led me to the brink of suicide for the second time in my life. That is, until my creativity stepped in to saved me. Literally. When I began to reclaim my creativity, everything changed. I found my missing piece. The piece I had denied myself for so long because I believed the lie that my creativity wasn’t important, wasn’t practical, and wasn’t needed. This is the biggest lie a creative soul could ever tell themselves! After surviving this supreme low in life, reclaiming my creativity taught me 3 powerful lessons that I’d like to share with you. My sincere hope is that by sharing my journey, you will never need to sink into the darkness, like I did, to find these truths. 1. Creative expression is necessary for some people Society likes to treat creativity like sprinkles on a cupcake. An added extra to flavor life, but something you could easily do without. My experience taught me that this isn’t true for some people. For “creative souls”, our expression of creativity is as important as breathing. It is a vital element of our well-being and should be treated as such. When we disregard our creativity as an afterthought, or relentlessly judge it, we rob ourselves of this incredible lifeforce. As seen in my story, and in many I’ve heard from other creatives, ignoring this can be a death sentence.  2. Creativity is an act of self love When we take the time and space to pursue our creativity, it sends a powerful signal to our soul that we love and appreciate what makes us happy. By accepting creativity as a real part of our identity, deserving of our attention, we give ourselves the healing gift of unconditional love. It isn’t about achieving some creative goal or level of recognition (although that is very possible as an Awakened Creator). Reclaiming your creativity is caring about yourself enough to put your own oxygen mask on first before anyone else around you. To choose your creativity is to choose to love yourself.  3. The creative journey is all about transformation Creative souls aren’t just creatively talented for the heck of it, our creativity is a divine gift. When applied properly, our creativity can transform our lives and carry us on an incredible lifelong journey of self-discovery through joy. Your creative projects (and your setbacks) are a reflection of your inner state, and with each one, you learn something powerful about yourself, about life, about…everything! Creativity is a force for deep healing, and serves as both the tool and the path. As you transform, your work becomes infused with the wisdom you’ve gained and holds the power to help others heal as well. So how did I start reclaiming my creativity? How can you start making your creativity a priority and showing yourself some love through your creative expression? Here are 3 tools that worked beautifully for me (and that I still use): 1. Shadow Journaling At Awakened Creators, we refer to self-reflective journaling as “sacred journeying”. This invaluable process allows a clearer window into the often subconscious source(s) of blockages in our creative process.  By surrendering our fears, anxieties, and rage onto the page, we not only give ourselves a safe space to feel our emotions and demonstrate powerful self-compassion, we start freeing ourselves from unhealthy attachment to and blind acceptance of false narratives that keep us stuck. I often share journal prompts on Instagram to encourage this practice and offer guidance for going deep. I recommend every creative keep a journal, and use it as often as they feel called, especially during creative blocks. 2. Meditation Meditation is a very powerful tool for learning how to quiet your inner critic and untangle old programming that is leaving you stuck. Meditation can be as simple or complex as you want it to be, so don’t feel bad starting with just a few minutes a day. As you start seeing the positive results of a meditation practice, you will actually want to do it for longer and more often. I use meditation as both a daily practice (as often as I can) and as a prescriptive medicine when I get into a funky head space. If you want help getting started, guided meditations are great because they walk you through the process step by step. I have a growing library of meditations I’ve recorded on the Awakened Creators YouTube Channel that you can check out. 3. Create (of course)! Did you actually think you could reclaim your creativity without picking up that pencil or paintbrush? Not a chance! Whatever your medium of expression, you MUST actually do it to experience the transformative power of the creative journey. I get it. It can be scary to start, especially if you’ve been repressing your creativity for years, but the rewards will be great. Yes, you will judge yourself. Yes, you will wonder what the heck to create, but taking that risk will be so worthwhile! When you are living in your joy and feeling better about your life than you ever have, you will only wish you’d started sooner! Well beautiful soul, I hope reading this helped you understand how essential reclaiming your creativity is to your well-being and given you some practical tools you can use to begin your journey.  It is …

The REAL reason you can’t create (and 5 ways to fix it)

You know the feeling. You pick up the blank paper or canvas, fully expecting to create something amazing, but then nothing happens. You’re completely paralyzed.  Your mind starts racing and you think, “I used to be so creative. What happened?” Are you losing your creativity? Is creativity something you can even run out of? Let me reassure you, your creativity has not been lost! Even when you feel you can’t create or come up with ideas, your creativity is still churning away inside you.  So, why won’t it come out?  What happened? What is the REAL reason you can’t create? It might sound silly to some, but the truth is: Your creativity is hiding from you because it doesn’t feel SAFE.  Think of your creativity like a shy animal in the woods. It will not emerge from behind the trees until it feels safe enough to do so.  The question is, how are you creating that unsafe environment?  There are a lot of reasons why you can’t create, but two of the most common attitudes that create an unsafe environment for your creativity and the likely reason you can’t create anymore is because you are:   Placing too much pressure on a specific outcome.  When we demand our creativity produce a specific outcome, we don’t allow ourselves to feel comfortable with making mistakes. Creativity does not work like logic and intellect. It doesn’t unfold in a linear fashion. If you do not provide a safe space for yourself to explore, expand, and refine, then your creativity will refuse to play with you. Trying to get from A to Z without making a single mistake or deviating from the expected timeline is a lot of pressure on your creativity. Rather than motivate, this kind of pressure ends up squashing your courage to create at all. Another way you’ve made it feel unsafe to create is because you are: Comparing yourself to others.  Comparison is the kiss of death to any creative process because it requires that you buy into a lie. A lie that says your creativity it is not good enough. So rather than leave the door open for growth, you immediately cut off the creative flow. When you compare yourself to others, not only will your creativity refuse to perform for you in any capacity, but you will feel terrible about yourself in the process. It is a recipe for disaster and the only person you should ever compare yourself to is your past self, to cheer how far you’ve come. So, now that you know the REAL reason your creativity is hiding from you (because it doesn’t feel safe), let’s talk about 5 ways you can give yourself a safe space to create!   Here are 5 ways you can fix it:  Promise yourself it is okay to mess up This is not negotiable. Creation is not a clean process and your creativity needs to know it is okay to make mistakes and get messy. This is a simple but powerful truth, especially if you say it outloud to yourself before you begin any creative project. I think Ms. Frizzle captures it best. Reduce the pressure on yourself by allowing more time to complete your project Rather than tackling an entire project in one day, set yourself a manageable goal you know with 100% certainty you can meet. Chances are, you will exceed your goal and feel even more proud of yourself when you’re done. Note: this can only happen if the bar is low to begin with. If your self-imposed deadlines feel suffocating, throw yourself a life line and extend them. Put your mind at ease Creativity is supposed to be fun! Sometimes our mind can trick us into forgetting this. So distract your monkey mind by making your creative space fun to be in. Play music you enjoy, create outside in the sunshine, have a comforting object nearby. Whatever makes you feel more playful and open to creating, do it.  Invoke Sacred Creative Space If you really want to raise the vibe of your creative process, make it a sacred time for yourself. Lock the door. Light a candle. Say a prayer or mantra (See Tip 5). Want a crash course in how to invoke sacred creative space? Watch my quick YouTube tutorial. Read a Mantra Mantras are phrases or statements that we say ceremoniously to invoke a certain frame of mind or feeling. It could be any phrase (or series of phrases) you resonate with, but I have designed the Official Awakened Creators Invocation to help you release fear and resistance so you can relax and open to unlimited creative possibilities. I use this invocation before starting ANY creative process, including working on Awakened Creators content. It works beautifully. The original invocation has been enhanced to include a full 8-page guide explaining how to use it, and other steps you can take to release blocks that keep you from creating. Grab the Elevate & Create guide here. Your creativity is a gift and, rest assured, not something you can lose. Save this blog article for the next time you feel you can’t create, to remind yourself the real reason why and how to fix it. If you enjoyed this article, consider joining the Awakened Creators family so you can receive regular creative support and inspiration in your inbox! Also, check out the Awakened Creators YouTube channel and Instagram to continue elevating your creative process. Namaste!