4 Benefits of Adding Meditation to Your Creative Practice | This Changes EVERYTHING
If you’re ready to get out of your mind, out of your fears, and out of your self-doubt and into a place of peace when it comes to creating your best work, you definitely want to educate yourself on the four major benefits to adding meditation to your creative practice. When I had my spiritual and creative awakening experience in 2017, meditation was one of the first tools that was taught to me that has been beneficial to my own creative journey. It’s something that I return to time and time again, especially when I’m feeling down, when I’m feeling stressed, or when I’m feeling just off-centered. Meditation is something that I can rely on to bring me back into balance and keep me focused on what I really want to be doing, which is making awesome art, whether it’s painting, writing, or whatever it is that I am into. And that’s what I know you want too. So here are the four major benefits of adding meditation to your creative practice. Benefit 1: Learning to Separate Your Mind and Thought Processes From Your Identity If you’ve ever been in the process of creating, you’ve probably experienced a lot of swirling thoughts in terms of critiquing your own work or wondering if you’re doing a good enough job. Meditation is going to give you the skills necessary to be able to observe those thought patterns without overly identifying with them or attaching to them, which will leave you to do your work more effectively and at the same time learn from the dialogues that are going on within you and see if there are some necessary tweaks of perspective that you need to make in order to either pivot some of those thought processes or tamper them down or eliminate them entirely. Benefit 2: A Tool to Return to Center at Any Time If you’ve learned about The Cycle of Creative Flow, you know that there is an aspect of creative flow that involves rest. It’s a part of the process that we don’t often talk about, but it’s an essential component to creative flow. Meditation is one of the things you can put into practice in order to bring yourself into that state of restoration. In that state of restoration is where you’re going to get realigned with your creative purpose and open yourself up to receive new inspiration. Benefit 3: Aligning More Quickly With Your Authentic Voice as a Creator While you’re in the midst of creating, you can get lost in terms of expressing your authentic voice. You can start to allow the voices of others or the voices of concern to begin manipulating what you’re creating, until you’re no longer creating something that’s authentic to you. Meditation is something that you can do before, during, and after your creative process to bring yourself back into alignment with what your authentic voice wants to say for the peace that you’re creating. Benefit 4: It’s Easy to Put Into Practice Meditation is really easy to do. You don’t need any special equipment to do it, just yourself and your breath. If you’d like to learn and practice a simple heart alignment meditation you can watch one of my heart alignment rituals on YouTube or download my FREE Heart Alignment Ritual Guide, complete with short video lessons. By learning this, at any time you’ll be able to get yourself back in alignment with your authentic truth as a creator, restore your center, and give yourself some space from any thoughts that have been pestering you throughout the week. Conclusion I really hope that you will take the information in this video and begin to apply it by utilizing meditation in your creative practice and seeing the benefits that it has to offer. If you’re interested in more resources like this or learning more about what might be interfering with your ability to express yourself authentically, please explore the free resources and paid resources here on the Awakened Creators website. Just move with what resonates with you. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your creative journey. I am so glad that you have committed to your art, to your heart, and to you. I love you. Namaste.