man tattooed praying

The Best Prayer for Creativity: The Awakened Creators Invocation

Listen up, because this is the creative ritual that I engage in before starting any creative project. It really helps me to release self-judgement and open up to creative flow. It is hands down, the best prayer for creativity I have ever used. The Awakened Creators Invocation (aka Creativity Prayer), is super easy to understand and use.  You can check out the quick video I made to explain the process, or just read this blog! Step 1 – Create Sacred Space The first thing that I have to do is create sacred space as part of my creativity ritual. I have a whole video playlist devoted to how to create sacred space as part of developing your own creative rituals here. Creating sacred space for my creativity includes: Locking the door Asking my family not to disturb me Clearing my energy (you can burn sage or just take some deep breaths) Center in my heart (you can hold crystals (link to crystals for creativity) or just place your hands on your heart) Step 2 – Read the Creativity Prayer Out Loud Now it is time to read the Awakened Creators Invocation, which you can download in my FREE Elevate & Create Guide. Note: This creativity prayer allows you to insert the name of your own personal concept of God. It does not require you to hold any particular religion or belief system or any belief system at all. You could pray to Yoda for all I care.  It is important that you read the invocation aloud and with sincerity. It will feel awkward at first and that’s okay. You will get used to it with time and soon even memorize the words.  And that’s it! Performing this super simple ritual for creativity is a great way to clear your mind, and prepare yourself for whatever experience wants to come through.  If you haven’t downloaded the FREE Elevate and Create PDF Guide you can do that here. The PDF of the invocation is gorgeous! I’m super proud of it! I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. And don’t forget to join the Awakened Creators family over on Instagram @awakened.creators for daily creative inspiration and guidance.  Much love, Amanda

The REAL reason you can’t create (and 5 ways to fix it)

You know the feeling. You pick up the blank paper or canvas, fully expecting to create something amazing, but then nothing happens. You’re completely paralyzed.  Your mind starts racing and you think, “I used to be so creative. What happened?” Are you losing your creativity? Is creativity something you can even run out of? Let me reassure you, your creativity has not been lost! Even when you feel you can’t create or come up with ideas, your creativity is still churning away inside you.  So, why won’t it come out?  What happened? What is the REAL reason you can’t create? It might sound silly to some, but the truth is: Your creativity is hiding from you because it doesn’t feel SAFE.  Think of your creativity like a shy animal in the woods. It will not emerge from behind the trees until it feels safe enough to do so.  The question is, how are you creating that unsafe environment?  There are a lot of reasons why you can’t create, but two of the most common attitudes that create an unsafe environment for your creativity and the likely reason you can’t create anymore is because you are:   Placing too much pressure on a specific outcome.  When we demand our creativity produce a specific outcome, we don’t allow ourselves to feel comfortable with making mistakes. Creativity does not work like logic and intellect. It doesn’t unfold in a linear fashion. If you do not provide a safe space for yourself to explore, expand, and refine, then your creativity will refuse to play with you. Trying to get from A to Z without making a single mistake or deviating from the expected timeline is a lot of pressure on your creativity. Rather than motivate, this kind of pressure ends up squashing your courage to create at all. Another way you’ve made it feel unsafe to create is because you are: Comparing yourself to others.  Comparison is the kiss of death to any creative process because it requires that you buy into a lie. A lie that says your creativity it is not good enough. So rather than leave the door open for growth, you immediately cut off the creative flow. When you compare yourself to others, not only will your creativity refuse to perform for you in any capacity, but you will feel terrible about yourself in the process. It is a recipe for disaster and the only person you should ever compare yourself to is your past self, to cheer how far you’ve come. So, now that you know the REAL reason your creativity is hiding from you (because it doesn’t feel safe), let’s talk about 5 ways you can give yourself a safe space to create!   Here are 5 ways you can fix it:  Promise yourself it is okay to mess up This is not negotiable. Creation is not a clean process and your creativity needs to know it is okay to make mistakes and get messy. This is a simple but powerful truth, especially if you say it outloud to yourself before you begin any creative project. I think Ms. Frizzle captures it best. Reduce the pressure on yourself by allowing more time to complete your project Rather than tackling an entire project in one day, set yourself a manageable goal you know with 100% certainty you can meet. Chances are, you will exceed your goal and feel even more proud of yourself when you’re done. Note: this can only happen if the bar is low to begin with. If your self-imposed deadlines feel suffocating, throw yourself a life line and extend them. Put your mind at ease Creativity is supposed to be fun! Sometimes our mind can trick us into forgetting this. So distract your monkey mind by making your creative space fun to be in. Play music you enjoy, create outside in the sunshine, have a comforting object nearby. Whatever makes you feel more playful and open to creating, do it.  Invoke Sacred Creative Space If you really want to raise the vibe of your creative process, make it a sacred time for yourself. Lock the door. Light a candle. Say a prayer or mantra (See Tip 5). Want a crash course in how to invoke sacred creative space? Watch my quick YouTube tutorial. Read a Mantra Mantras are phrases or statements that we say ceremoniously to invoke a certain frame of mind or feeling. It could be any phrase (or series of phrases) you resonate with, but I have designed the Official Awakened Creators Invocation to help you release fear and resistance so you can relax and open to unlimited creative possibilities. I use this invocation before starting ANY creative process, including working on Awakened Creators content. It works beautifully. The original invocation has been enhanced to include a full 8-page guide explaining how to use it, and other steps you can take to release blocks that keep you from creating. Grab the Elevate & Create guide here. Your creativity is a gift and, rest assured, not something you can lose. Save this blog article for the next time you feel you can’t create, to remind yourself the real reason why and how to fix it. If you enjoyed this article, consider joining the Awakened Creators family so you can receive regular creative support and inspiration in your inbox! Also, check out the Awakened Creators YouTube channel and Instagram to continue elevating your creative process. Namaste!

5 Signs You’re a Repressed Creative

Are you unsatisfied with life, even though on paper everything seems like it should be fine? Does it feel like no matter what you do or try, you never seem to find that ever elusive fulfillment that you are seeking deep within? If so, you might be a repressed creative. Check in with the 5 Signs You’re a Repressed Creative outlined below and then catch my 3 solutions you can use to awaken the creator within. How do we become “repressed creatives”? Creativity comes in many forms and often times when we are younger we are more tapped into that source of creative flow, but as we age, practical things like education, bills, mortgages, and jobs take over our lives. Even if we are happy for the most part with what we have around us, we can still feel that odd pull within that somehow we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing. You may have a lot of obligations in your life that you feel keep you from expressing your desires, emotions, or dreams. It may be obligations you chose but might be ones that were given to you, or passed on through family traditions. Usually, through our lives we reach a point where we stuff the creative parts of us away, deem them unnecessary or frivolous and begin a journey into practicality and “realistic” thinking. While it may bring us financial or physical prosperity, the repressed creative will still feel unsatisfied with this abundance because it does nothing to feed its soul. Look through the following signs to see if you resonate with being a repressed creative and learn 3 ways you can unblock your creativity today and start feeling better. Sign #1 – You Were Talented/Gifted As a Child Children are naturally tuned into their creative joy and generally, adults do not steer them toward more “practical” pursuits until later in life (though there’s always an exception to the rule). As a younger person, you may have been in a special program based on your innate talents. Or perhaps you were told how creative, artistic, or unique you were growing up. Maybe you even played an instrument, wrote songs, sang, painted, wrote stories, or made short films. Fast forward to today and any trace of that part of you is all but forgotten. You may still have some memories of it lying around in a dusty box somewhere, but for the most part your life hardly resembles that of an artist, writer, filmmaker, or creative person. Which is part of the reason why… Sign #2 – You Deeply Admire Great Creators Even if you don’t create currently, you find yourself admiring highly creative people. Perhaps there is a particular screenwriter or film director whose movies you’ve watched dozens of times. Maybe there’s a musical artist that you never get tired of and you listen in awe at how deep the lyrics are or how innovate the beat is. Perhaps there is an artist whose work you would love to one day own a piece of, or an author whose written “voice” instantly transports you to another world. My father once told me, “greatness recognizes greatness.” And I firmly believe that you resonate on such a deep level with those you admire because you in fact have a similar innate talent and ability to create amazing things. You resonate on such a deep level with those you admire because you in fact have a similar innate talent and ability to create. But you don’t create. Instead… Sign #3 – You Binge Watch Creative Competition Shows You could (and perhaps do) spend hours watching creative competition shows like: Face Off, Skin Wars, Master Chef, Project Runway. If there are creative people expressing themselves, you are tuned in and curious. Your interest in these types of shows is primarily because of the same reason mentioned in Sign #2 and that is that you recognize a part of your own desires in them. Basically, when you are watching, you are living vicariously through these people. As you watch, you may start to imagine what you would create or design but quickly negate the idea with negative self-talk or other reasons why you aren’t as capable or able to accomplish such things. Which is the kind of thinking that shows… Sign #4 – You’re Secretly Jealous of Creative People Although you admire creative folks, you may find your mind turning negative and saying things like: “I could do a better job.” “I’d love to give up my job and paint full time but everyone knows that’s impossible.” “She’s only big now because she knows so-and-so.” Take it for what you will, but these negative thoughts are all limiting beliefs we have imposed on ourselves. They are lies the Ego tells us to keep us small and protected. Branching out would require us to risk getting hurt, failing, or being rejected and we are far too fragile for that right now. So instead, we watch with envy and prevent ourselves from seeing ourselves as fully capable of achieving the same success. Which is why… Sign #5 – No Level of Achievement Satisfies You This is a HUGE red flag. You may be highly accomplished in your education, career, or domestic life. On paper everything looks fine, but something deep inside you just doesn’t find fulfillment in it all. You may even feel guilty for feeling this way. I know I did. This subconscious dissatisfaction can start to manifest as addiction issues with shopping, alcohol, food, even sex and TV. You might find yourself doing everything you can to stuff down these feelings because you don’t feel like you have a way to solve them. So what can you do about it? Assuming you’ve read down this far and can see yourself clearly in the signs described above, I imagine you want to do something about this. “So I’m a repressed creative, now what?” Well, there are a couple of …