Burned Out Creators: Understand This To Get Back In Flow | Creative Flow State Explained
The Creative Cycle of Flow starts with inspiration from Spirit, moves to conceptualization in the mind, and then to action in the body. But what happens when we get stuck in the body phase of creative flow? In this video and article, we’ll discuss the body’s role in creative flow and how to avoid burnout and physical illness. The Body’s Role in Creative Flow The body phase of creative flow is characterized by action. This is the output of what we are putting forth into the world. It doesn’t have to be a big action or a long action, but it is important to be present in the act of doing. This phase of the creative cycle is very masculine in its energy, and it is possible to get stuck in this phase. When we are stuck in the body, we can become tired, exhausted, and burnt out. Our back may start aching, our muscles may give out, and we may feel tired. This is a signal from our body that the body phase of our creation is coming to a close. It is important to remember that this doesn’t mean that we need to have finished our project. The body is not the end of creating. We don’t go from Spirit to Mind to Body and then ta-da, everything is done. It is a cycle, and we will cycle many times through Mind, Body, Spirit, adding layers of understanding and creative expression to the thing we are making. We want to avoid getting pulled back into our minds or starting to question our actions. We want to be present with the act of doing. We also want to avoid letting ourselves get pulled back into the Mind, pausing our progress or starting to question the progress we have already made and halting the flow cycle. Returning to Spirit When we start spiraling out of flow, at any point, we need to return to Center through our heart alignment practice and remind ourselves that this is just one third of the whole of the creative flow cycle. When finishing the body phase, we are allowed to, encouraged to, and invited to rest . After we have rested in Spirit, then we can return back to the mind and the body at a later time. If we do happen to get stuck in the body phase of creative flow, where we are putting a lot of pressure on ourselves to finish, we need to surrender and let go of the need to push. We need to allow ourselves to return to that more Yin aspect of the creative flow, release the Yang, and allow ourselves to return to Spirit to surrender back into rest. Conclusion In the body phase of creative flow it is possible to get stuck, and when we do, we can become tired, exhausted, and burnt out. It is important to remember that this doesn’t mean that we need to have finished our project. We want to avoid getting pulled back into our minds or starting to question our actions. When we start spiraling out of flow, at any point, we need to return to Center (which you can learn to do with my FREE Heart Alignment Guide) and remind ourselves that this is just one third of the whole of the creative flow cycle. We are allowed to, encouraged to, and invited to rest. We need to surrender and let go of the need to push and allow ourselves to return to Spirit to surrender back into rest. Let’s conclude our discussion by tying all three phases together. You can watch the video below or read the article here.