happy woman with paint on forehead and cheeks

Permission Granted | Embodying your Creative Truth

It is easy to say one thing and do another. We’ve all heard that talk is cheap. What isn’t cheap, however, is permission. And I’m not talking about the “permission” you grant every app you download on your phone to have access to your personal data (which you should maybe ask yourself about that BTW). No, I’m talking about the permission we grant ourselves, to be…ourselves. It is easy to tell your loved ones, and anyone else you encounter to “be yourself,” “do you,” and “follow your heart.” But how often do we give ourselves that permission, without condition? Too often we say, “be yourself” to a friend, but for ourselves we mean, “be yourself only if it will gain you approval or bring you recognition from the external.” Or we’ll shout, “do you” to an eccentric stranger, but to ourselves we mean, “you better do what they expect you to do or else you’ll be left alone in the dust, forgotten and abandoned.” Like the fairy godmothers to our loved ones we’ll whisper, “follow your heart,” but to ourselves we mean, “if you think heart following is going to pay the bills you’ve got another thing coming.” Why do we give everyone else permission, except ourselves? To speak truth, you must EMBODY truth. To speak truth, you must EMBODY truth. You must LIVE that truth, every day, even if it means relationships slip away or people look at your confused because they don’t understand. Until you can step into your own words, they are without value and without conviction. The next time you tell someone something encouraging, consider whether or not you truly believe and embody that in your own life. So, the next time you tell someone something encouraging, consider whether or not you truly believe and embody that in your own life and if not…thank you Universe for pointing out the part of yourself that needs a little more love and get to work. The time is now to live your truth. The world needs you. Just as you are.