Awakening Your Interdimensionality – Interview with Visionary Artist Cassaundra Marie

“Share your work, share your true self. Make art that makes You happy, not art that you think people want to see, or will digest easier.”

Today’s Awakened Creator Spotlight is on Cassaundra Marie, a Visionary Artist, whose dream inspired creations are awakening the hearts and minds of others to their own interdimensionality.

Connect with her on Instagram: @dreamstatevisions, Facebook: Dreamstate Visions, and Soundcloud: Cassaundra Marie Ikeler

Here is Cassaundra Marie in her own words on her creative journey and what it means to be an Awakened Creator.

Tell us about your authentic creative expression. What do you love to create and why?

I love bringing the imagery from my mind’s eye, and the dream realm, to fruition. Whether that comes out through painting, (which is absolutely my favorite) or through orgonite creations. For me, it is mostly about capturing the emotions, and energetic exchange that is attached to the visual. I am not 100% sure why, but I have a deep inner knowing that I am supposed to open minds, hearts, and eyes to the vast expanse of interdimensional life that exists all around us. I believe that my visions are meant to be shared with the world to help raise collective consciousness, and I feel honored to have found my calling.

What most often gets in your way as a creator and how do you stay in alignment and flow?

My love of working on several projects at once, sometimes holds me back. I tend to get ahead of myself and start too many things at once, and I can often become overwhelmed. When this happens, I observe these feelings, accept them, tell myself that everything I am already doing is enough, thank my mind for all of the new ideas, and then allow myself a full day of rest and self care. 

I personally stay in alignment by keeping a gratitude journal and a dream journal. The gratitude journal keeps me humble and present with what is in my current timeline. 

The dream journal provides me with endless streams of artistic inspiration, and also keeps me connected and lucid to the time I spend in the astral plane, giving thanks for the ability to retain the information acquired whilst dreaming. 

I have found that flow, for me, comes when I stop planning and worrying about the outcome of a piece. If I just act on intuition and know that any mistake made is part of a more grand plan, it really helps me to stay in flow and alignment. Focusing too much on the outcome, can immediately tear us away from the present moment, and the present moment is key when creating authentic art, in my opinion.

If you could offer words of wisdom or support to your fellow creators, what would you say?

Share your work, share your true self. Make art that makes You happy, not art that you think people want to see, or will digest easier. I do not remember who this quote is from, but it goes, “art is meant to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” If someone has a problem with your art, instead of getting offended, let it open up a dialogue and discussion. Ask questions. You would be surprised how many people are just curious, but are unsure of where to begin asking questions about it.

Be the type of person you needed when you were younger. Stop doubting yourself. No one is you, and that is your superpower. YOU ARE CAPABLE OF ANYTHING! Your dreams are possible, just by dreaming them, you are halfway through to bringing them into fruition. You can start over and create a new life for yourself at any time, you just have to choose.

What does being an Awakened Creator mean to you?

Perfectly enough, I became part of the Awakened Creators community through my Artwork!!! Amanda found me one day, taking a brave step in showing myself in my pictures with my art and it was a vulnerable day for me. She lit me up like a rainbow, with compliments on my bravery, strength in being vulnerable, and praising my artwork. It was truly a synchronistic meet. It was also one of my first support systems ever founded when I first started to follow my heart and make art priority number 1. At the time, I was craving authentic connections, deeper friendships, and really just trying to find my tribe. Absolutely divinely synchronous. 

To me, being an Awakened Creator means being open to every variable of possibility. Not only in my art, but in life. No one person, or group of people can ever know the Right way for someone else to live. We all find our own way, in our own time, and should be accepted and respected as such. Let your freak flag fly! Your “weird” is your personal energy signature and it is Beautiful and unique! Being an Awakened Creator also means to help lift others around you, and inspire everyone to shine their true colors, despite hate or negative reaction. We are here to come together as a collective, and give each other value and purpose. Love and connection, community and friendship. I like to hope that anyone who follows my artistic journey knows that they can come to me any time with questions, seeking advice, or needing a reason to smile. I want everyone to be able to tune in to their inner child and rediscover play, art, relaxation, and whatever the thing is, that lights a spark in their heart. 

If you have awakened to your gifts, share them! The universe needs your resonance! If you are still struggling to find yourself, your spark, or the thing that drives you, reach out to us and find a kindred who understands that journey, and can walk arm and arm with you as you explore. As an individual, we can often feel like we are all alone, but with community support, and people here who understand, we are never alone! 

Want to connect with Cassaundra Marie?

Check out Cassaundra’s interdimensional creations & music on:

Instagram: @dreamstatevisions

Facebook: Dreamstate Visions

Soundcloud: Cassaundra Marie Ikeler

Do you have the desire to align with your authentic creative expression?

If you want to feel free to create from the heart, my HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide will show you a pathway home.

I will personally guide you (with quick video lessons) through a simple yet powerful creative ritual that will bring your heART back online so you can start creating from that space again.

Access the HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide for free.

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