Love Yourself as an Artist: 4 Powerful Journal Prompts to Get You Going 

Do you find it hard to love what you create? If so, you’re not alone. I understand the difficulty of loving yourself as an artist and I’m here to help. In this video and article, I’ll share four powerful journal prompts to help you start learning to love yourself as an artist.

Why Is It So Difficult to Love Yourself as an Artist?

Pause and consider for a moment, why it’s so difficult to love yourself as an artist? Is it because you think everyone else is better than you? Is it because of past disappointments? Is it because of things people tell you? One of the keys to effective journaling is learning how to ask the right questions.

4 Powerful Journal Prompts to Grow Love for Your Art

These journal prompts are deep and powerful, so create a safe space for yourself to respond to them. Make sure no one’s going to see your answers and that you’re just going to move through it in a very safe and nurturing space for yourself.

  1. When in the past have you felt like your efforts were not enough and what did your mind tell you that that meant about you?
  2. When you think about stepping into your fullest expression, how does it feel? Where does resistance pop up and what does it say?
  3. If your heart could have one wish as a creative, what would it be?
  4. What does your heart sense you need in terms of protection and nurturing, not out of fear but with love?

If you’re having a difficult time tapping into your heart and communicating to your heart, not what your mind thinks or your ego thinks, but what your heart believes to be true, I suggest you check out my Heart Alignment Creative Ritual Guide. This will allow you to become your most authentic version and experience tremendous joy along the creative journey.


I hope you enjoyed these journal prompts and get a lot out of them. Remember to take care of yourself and nurture yourself as you move through them. If you need to decompress afterwards, reach out to a friend or check out my Forgiveness Video and Forgiveness Meditation. I’m so proud of you for being committed to moving through these issues so that you can have a more joyful experience along your creative journey.


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