Stripped Down to Black and White | Interview w/ Painter Stephanie Burks

“If you’re not happy with whatever it is you’re currently working on, that just means it isn’t finished yet.”

Today’s Awakened Creator Spotlight is on Stephanie Burks, a painter whose creations intimately explore the raw and soulful truth of black and white. 

Connect with her on Instagram: @monochromaticcreations & Facebook: Monochromatic Creations

Here is Stephanie in her own words on her creative journey and what it means to be an Awakened Creator.

Tell us about your authentic creative expression. What do you love to create and why?

I’ve always been drawn to black and white, because to me, it feels stripped down. There’s only the soul of the piece and the emotions it evokes. Bringing something from my mind into existence and having it provoke an emotional response in just one person, myself included, is one of the best feelings in the world.

What most often gets in your way as a creator and how do you stay in alignment and flow?

I used to say it was time, but I’ve recently learned that it’s more about self discipline. I’ll convince myself that I have no ideas or that I just don’t feel like painting, but once I pull out my canvas and brushes, it all just pours out of me. So, being disciplined enough to make myself do that is how I stay aligned with my artistic soul.

If you could offer words of wisdom or support to your fellow creators, what would you say?

If you’re not happy with whatever it is you’re currently working on, that just means it isn’t finished yet.

What does being an Awakened Creator mean to you?

[Being an Awakened Creator means] to love and appreciate art in all forms from all artists while also loving and respecting your own. It’s about becoming a better version of yourself through the journey of self expression, and knowing that you are unique, special, and needed right now, exactly as you are.

Want to connect with Stephanie?

Check out Stephanie’s monochromatic creations on:

Instagram: @monochromaticcreations

Facebook: Monochromatic Creations

Do you have the desire to align with your authentic creative expression?

If you want to feel free to create from the heart, my HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide will show you a pathway home.

I will personally guide you (with quick video lessons) through a simple yet powerful creative ritual that will bring your heART back online so you can start creating from that space again.

Access the HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide for free.

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