A Call to Arms | Channeled Messages from Awakened Creators

Creatives are often held back by lies perpetuated by those in power, and those who are afraid of what they might make. This denial of their creative power keeps them from experiencing the abundance that the universe offers.   In this channeled transmission from Source, Amanda shares a call to arms for creatives to step into their power and do what they came here to do. https://youtu.be/lBTrsP7xJiQ Lies Held By Creatives Creatives often deny their creative power, thinking that their contribution to the world is not valuable. They think that there is no path to living their truth, and no way to experience the joy they crave. They accept what is given to them, and deny themselves access to the abundance that the universe offers. Accessing the Divine Creatives possess within themselves a direct channel to Source itself. They possess within themselves a golden corridor allowing access to the divine, access to wisdom beyond their understanding, and access to illuminated visions of what could be. These pieces of information, insights, and inspirations are offered freely by Source itself to those who are willing and able to take them on, receive them, and bring them into form. Stepping Into Your Power Creatives are asked to boldly step into and allow through their vessel to be who they are, to be proud of who they are, and to no longer deny who they are. They are asked to be present with the All That Is, to receive its messages with an open heart and an open mind, and to form them in the physical so they are accessible to others. There is no right way to create, there is only your way. Your way, connected to the divine, is the divine way. Creatives are asked to step fully and completely into the power of what they are – a master creator, a soul who has opened themselves in this lifetime to allow that which they do not always understand into their awareness to be shared. Forgiveness and Transformation Creatives must release all of the judgment they have for themselves for their past choices and for the causes and effects that they have enacted up to this point. They must forgive themselves for walking a path they knew inside was not their own, and for transgressing against the truth in their heart. All of the experiences leading up to this moment have been a blessing to allow them to step stones through the waters. Creatives are asked to boldly be who they are, to no longer deny who they are, and to do what they have come here to do. They are asked to accept their spiritual gifts, and to recognize that their purpose can only be known by them and Source itself. A Call to Action Creatives are asked to step into their power and do what they came here to do. They are asked to boldly accept the power of what they are, and to no longer deny who they are. They are asked to forgive themselves, and to surrender what they think they know about their future, what they are capable of, and how much they are lovable. When they are ready, they are asked to throw their hands up, bow their head down, and humbly request assistance. Source will intervene only when it is given permission to do so. Creatives are asked to recognize the magnificence that they are and always have been, and to feel the love that Source has for them.

The Deadly Cost of Creative Repression

As artists at heart, we have a creative desire that burn within us, but society (and even our own families) can send us negative messages about expressing those desires that encourage us to repress our natural creative impulses. Whether well-intentioned or malicious, this repression of creative energy can be deadly, or at best lead to substance abuse, depression, or anxiety (like it did for me). To make sense of what is happening when we repress our creativity, I was shown an inspired image (which I painted) of a fire-filled cave called, The Cave of Internal Desire. The flames of this cave represent our creative energy, passionate and burning wildly. Because of external and internal pressures we sometimes get stuck in The Cave and it can start to become toxic. In this article, we’ll explore the metaphor of The Cave of Internal Desire: why we get stuck in the cave, what happens when we stay too long, and how to get out of the cave and into alignment with our creative truth. What is the Cave of Internal Desire (really)? As I meditated on The Cave of Internal Desire, I learned that at its core, The Cave is a trial that we must endure as creatives in order to reach our Truth and our authentic way of being. It’s a portal that we must pass through, but if we stay in the cave too long, we can start to burn. Why Do We Get Burnt in the Cave? We get burnt in the cave because we are never intended to stay in the cave. We usually stay there because we are afraid to leave, afraid to step out, and afraid to walk into our creative life and own our creative expression. If we consider this from the perspective of The Cycle of Creative Flow, what may be happening is that we are getting stuck in the conception energy of the mind. We receive the inspiration of a great idea, roll it around in our mind, and maybe even manifest it physically a little bit, but we keep it to ourselves and never share it with anyone. We may start to play mind games with ourselves, our ego gives us excuses as to why it’s not ready yet, why not to share it. Usually it’ll be belittling thoughts like, “Your work isn’t polished enough,” “Your art isn’t refined enough,” “Your writing isn’t eloquent enough,” “Nobody will care,” etc. But the truth is, your soul will care. In fact, it will feel tortured in the fires of your desire until you release it and walk through the cave. At a certain point, that creative energy that is building up has to go somewhere, it has to be released. If we keep it inside ourselves, repressing our natural impulse to express, and don’t manifest it outward, it can start to become toxic. What Does Coming Out of the Cave Require? Walking out of the cave looks like creating, sharing, talking about your creative ideas to other people, anything where you are expressing the energy outward. Creative expression is called that for a reason…it has to be pushed out. By repressing our creative desires, we deny the truth of what that energy intends to be, and that’s a pain that is very hard to explain, but creatives who actively repress their impulses know it well. It’s excruciating and it ends up becoming this thing that frustrates or depresses us. Sometimes it becomes so bad, we turn to substances to numb or worse, consider suicide. Creative expression is called that for a reason…it has to be pushed out. Sometimes creatives will make art but then refuse to share their work with anyone. While it’s true that you don’t have to share it, there comes a certain point at which our hiding our gifts becomes selfish. The inspiration was given to us to first help ourselves, but then also to help others. We are the vessel with which Spirit seeks to share its creative energy with the world. Being visible is hard, being seen is hard, but being trapped in the cave, being eaten alive by the flames of your own creative desire and passion is harder. Freeing Yourself From the Cave Listen closely…you are being called to express your creative gifts. If there is something that needs to be birthed within you that you are holding in tight, release it, let it go, get it out in whatever capacity you possibly can. Creative expression is a noble and valuable thing, and when we repress our creative desires, we deny the truth of what that energy intends to be. Once it’s out, you’ll feel free, you’ll feel expansive, you’ll feel light. You won’t feel like you have an elephant sitting on your chest anymore, you won’t feel bound any longer. Spirit wants you to feel free, and the world needs you to share your creative gifts. The burning pain of the Cave of Internal Desire is a catalyst meant to push us forward through and out of the cave. Listen closely to your soul and if you feel called to express your creative gifts, release it, let it go, get it out in whatever capacity you possibly can. Want help reclaiming your creative expression? Use the FREE Heart Alignment Guide I created to get back in touch with your creative truth. You’ll also find a fiercely supportive creative community in Awakened Creators. Follow us on Instagram or watch hundreds of videos on YouTube.

Love Yourself as an Artist: 4 Powerful Journal Prompts to Get You Going 

Do you find it hard to love what you create? If so, you’re not alone. I understand the difficulty of loving yourself as an artist and I’m here to help. In this video and article, I’ll share four powerful journal prompts to help you start learning to love yourself as an artist. Why Is It So Difficult to Love Yourself as an Artist? Pause and consider for a moment, why it’s so difficult to love yourself as an artist? Is it because you think everyone else is better than you? Is it because of past disappointments? Is it because of things people tell you? One of the keys to effective journaling is learning how to ask the right questions. 4 Powerful Journal Prompts to Grow Love for Your Art These journal prompts are deep and powerful, so create a safe space for yourself to respond to them. Make sure no one’s going to see your answers and that you’re just going to move through it in a very safe and nurturing space for yourself. If you’re having a difficult time tapping into your heart and communicating to your heart, not what your mind thinks or your ego thinks, but what your heart believes to be true, I suggest you check out my Heart Alignment Creative Ritual Guide. This will allow you to become your most authentic version and experience tremendous joy along the creative journey. Conclusion I hope you enjoyed these journal prompts and get a lot out of them. Remember to take care of yourself and nurture yourself as you move through them. If you need to decompress afterwards, reach out to a friend or check out my Forgiveness Video and Forgiveness Meditation. I’m so proud of you for being committed to moving through these issues so that you can have a more joyful experience along your creative journey. Namaste.

I Tried Journaling Differently to Overcome Creative Blocks (and It Worked!)

Creative blocks can be a major obstacle in the creative process, but they don’t have to be. If you’re looking for a way to move past them, journaling can be a powerful tool. In this article, I’m going to share with you four tips that I’ve found to be helpful in using journaling to overcome creative blocks. Tip 1: Creative Blocks Are Gifts The first thing to understand about creative blocks is that they are gifts. They are powerful pathways for growth and if we can shift our mindset to see them as opportunities to break free, we’re already making progress. Your journal can be a productive place to make major progress and move beyond creative blockages. Tip 2: Ask the Right Questions Journals can be a good place to vent, but it’s also a place to ask the right questions. Asking the right questions is key to using journaling to overcome creative blocks. It’s like the who, what, why, when, and where questions they taught you in grade school English class. There’s a gold mine of information if we ask the right questions. Tip 3: Align with Your Heart The next step is to align with your heart and ask yourself if your heart really believes that to be true. If you’re not sure how to connect with your heart in this way, I have a few videos on journal prompts to overcome various types of creative blockages, including learning to love yourself as an artist. Tip 4: Shift Your Mindset Once you’ve laid everything out on the table, you can start to realign your thought processes to a more supportive mindset. This takes some skill, and I have a whole video on shifting your mindset for creatives, also known as mental alchemy. Conclusion Journaling can be a powerful tool for overcoming creative blocks. By asking the right questions, aligning with your heart, and shifting your mindset, you can start to move past the blocks that have been standing in your way. I have created an entire heart alignment creative ritual that will show you how easy it is to tune in and tap into your true heart essence. If you’re interested in downloading this FREE Heart Alignment Guide just click here. Good luck on your creative journey!

4 Benefits of Adding Meditation to Your Creative Practice | This Changes EVERYTHING 

If you’re ready to get out of your mind, out of your fears, and out of your self-doubt and into a place of peace when it comes to creating your best work, you definitely want to educate yourself on the four major benefits to adding meditation to your creative practice. When I had my spiritual and creative awakening experience in 2017, meditation was one of the first tools that was taught to me that has been beneficial to my own creative journey. It’s something that I return to time and time again, especially when I’m feeling down, when I’m feeling stressed, or when I’m feeling just off-centered. Meditation is something that I can rely on to bring me back into balance and keep me focused on what I really want to be doing, which is making awesome art, whether it’s painting, writing, or whatever it is that I am into. And that’s what I know you want too. So here are the four major benefits of adding meditation to your creative practice. Benefit 1: Learning to Separate Your Mind and Thought Processes From Your Identity If you’ve ever been in the process of creating, you’ve probably experienced a lot of swirling thoughts in terms of critiquing your own work or wondering if you’re doing a good enough job. Meditation is going to give you the skills necessary to be able to observe those thought patterns without overly identifying with them or attaching to them, which will leave you to do your work more effectively and at the same time learn from the dialogues that are going on within you and see if there are some necessary tweaks of perspective that you need to make in order to either pivot some of those thought processes or tamper them down or eliminate them entirely. Benefit 2: A Tool to Return to Center at Any Time If you’ve learned about The Cycle of Creative Flow, you know that there is an aspect of creative flow that involves rest. It’s a part of the process that we don’t often talk about, but it’s an essential component to creative flow. Meditation is one of the things you can put into practice in order to bring yourself into that state of restoration. In that state of restoration is where you’re going to get realigned with your creative purpose and open yourself up to receive new inspiration. Benefit 3: Aligning More Quickly With Your Authentic Voice as a Creator While you’re in the midst of creating, you can get lost in terms of expressing your authentic voice. You can start to allow the voices of others or the voices of concern to begin manipulating what you’re creating, until you’re no longer creating something that’s authentic to you. Meditation is something that you can do before, during, and after your creative process to bring yourself back into alignment with what your authentic voice wants to say for the peace that you’re creating. Benefit 4: It’s Easy to Put Into Practice Meditation is really easy to do. You don’t need any special equipment to do it, just yourself and your breath. If you’d like to learn and practice a simple heart alignment meditation you can watch one of my heart alignment rituals on YouTube or download my FREE Heart Alignment Ritual Guide, complete with short video lessons. By learning this, at any time you’ll be able to get yourself back in alignment with your authentic truth as a creator, restore your center, and give yourself some space from any thoughts that have been pestering you throughout the week. Conclusion I really hope that you will take the information in this video and begin to apply it by utilizing meditation in your creative practice and seeing the benefits that it has to offer. If you’re interested in more resources like this or learning more about what might be interfering with your ability to express yourself authentically, please explore the free resources and paid resources here on the Awakened Creators website. Just move with what resonates with you. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your creative journey. I am so glad that you have committed to your art, to your heart, and to you. I love you. Namaste.

3 Tips to Enhance Your Creative Process with Presence and Flow | Creative Flow State Explained 

Creative flow is a powerful state of being that can help you manifest your dreams and desires. In this series, we have explored all three components of creative flow and how to embody it in your creative process. In this article and video, we will discuss three tips to help you embody presence during the creative flow process. Tip 1: Respect the Cycle The creative process is a cycle with layers of learning and understanding that unfold as you engage in it. We don’t want to get stuck in the body phase and try to force our manifestation out, but instead intuitively listen to our bodies and return to Spirit to receive inspiration for the next phase. As we move through this cycle of Spirit, Mind, and Body, we are creating, manifesting, and making real all of these things, and in the process, we ourselves are becoming changed. It is important to honor the cyclical nature of creation and to remember that there is a time and place to do each thing. Tip 2: Balance Masculine and Feminine Energies The Mind and Body components of the cycle are very masculine and form-based, requiring a fully embodied masculine energy. However, it is necessary to honor the feminine energies embodied in Spirit, surrender, compassion, tenderness, and nurturing. If you forget, just take a breath and remember the balance of masculine and feminine energies. Tip 3: Connect to Your Heart The center of the creative process is the heart. This heartfelt presence is the soul of everything you are doing on your creative journey. It is that presence, beingness, connection to the Divine, and is-ness that is always present and is your center. If you feel yourself spiraling out of creative flow, return to your heart and center yourself. I have created a FREE Heart Alignment Creative Ritual Guide to help you do this. Conclusion I hope that this series on Creative Flow has been helpful to you. If you feel like you are getting stuck in any phase of the creative process, please consider using the Heart Alignment Creative Ritual Guide. I have also prepared a Masterclass on Overcoming Creative Blocks in the various phases of the creative flow cycle with actual exercises and spiritual tools. If you missed any part of this blog series, you can start at the beginning with this article and video about the secrets to creative flow that no one told you. Thank you for being here and for being committed to your art, your heart, and yourself. Namaste.

Attention Overthinkers! | Help Your Mind SUPPORT Creative Flow | Creative Flow State Explained 

What is the role of the Mind in the creative flow process? The mind gets a ton of credit for creativity, but it is really only one of the three elements necessary to bring something to life. So if you tend to get stuck in your mind overthinking your creative projects, this article is for you! If you prefer, you may watch the video. Together, we’ll put that pesky mind of yours in its place. This article and video are the next in a series about creative flow and how creative flow really works. If we can master creative flow, we can keep ourselves going along our creative Journey for a very long time. The Mind Element We all know we live in a mental world, a world that is obsessed with the mind and thinking. So our brains tend to get most of the credit when it comes to our creative process. But I’m here to tell you it is a third of what’s necessary in order to keep things going. After you’ve received inspiration from the element of spirit and you’ve opened yourself up to trust it that you are the one to receive it and that this inspiration is worthy of your time and attention, you’ll bring that inspiration down into the mind. The mind is where we begin to conceptualize and plan our creative process. Now this can be as quick and simple as “Oh my gosh I have an idea! I need pens, papers, someone give me a notebook!” to as detailed and well thought out as the script for a movie and all of the characters and “I’m gonna need actors and I’m gonna need costumes and I’m gonna need a set and where shall it be” and all of these questions start to form in the mind. So again, the mind is a really essential part of the creation process because that’s where we’re taking what was previously a nebulous inspiration and we’re giving it more form and structure. We’re starting to put things in a logical order that would make sense to us if we were to explain it to someone else what this idea is. Moving From the Mind Element to the Body Element So the key to moving from the Mind element to the body element so that you can manifest what you wanting to create is action. There’s just no other way around it. You have to act. Now if you’re feeling resistant to acting, that’s where we always return and align to the heart. Then we can ask, “Where is that resistance to action coming from?” If you need help doing this and kind of sussing out the reason behind your overthinking and your fear of taking action, I have written a eBook full of journal prompts for you to go really deep on this and find out why you’re getting stuck in the mind. That eBook is part of a series of ebooks that I’m writing about each element of the creative flow cycle. Not Having All the Answers One common fear that people have about taking action is that they don’t have all the answers yet. However, understanding the cycle of creative flow tells us that in order to receive the answer to our problem, we must act. If you’ve ever heard the adage “action brings Clarity”, this is the moment to use that adage. You must act. Do something. Take action on one of your ideas, even if it doesn’t work out, even if it ends up being wrong. You now know you can check that one off your list. It won’t work and you can move on to the next idea. Without taking action, you’ll never know what will happen and then you’ll be constantly stuck in this state of suspended animation instead of moving forward. If you are feeling fearful because you don’t have all the answers, go ahead and take action on something anyways and just see. Now that might bring up a lot of tension for you and if it does, there’s something in your heart that maybe needs a revolution. It could be a deep-seated fear, a failure, or a fear of making mistakes. If that’s the case, you need to tune into your heart to find out exactly what’s going on so you can bring compassion and love to that part of yourself. Why Heart Alignment Matters More The practice of aligning with your heart that we talk about here at Awakened Creators is so powerful, yet simple, I created a FREE Heart Alignment Guide. This simple 3-step ritual is going to help you tune into your heart so you can ask it these questions. You’ll get to know what is it that your heart really needs you to understand before you can move safely and confidently into action. Conclusion Just remember that the mind, while brilliant, is only one small part of the creative flow process and if you’re getting stuck in this space you need to act. I know it’s easier said than done but action truly does bring clarity. By acting, you keep the energy in the Cycle of Creative Flow moving so that the solutions to your questions can become inspired answers as you continue on the journey. After you move from the mind into the body, you can start to manifest your creation. However, be warned, the body also sometimes struggles in knowing when to stop. So if burnout is your problem, we’ll answer all those questions for you and more in the next article and video in this series.

What is Creative Flow? | The Secrets No One Told You | Creative Flow State Explained

Creative flow is a concept that is often discussed in creative circles, but few people truly understand what it is and how it works. In this series, Amanda from Awakened Creators will explain the lesser-known aspects of creative flow that can be a real game-changer for your creative journey. If you prefer to watch the video, you can. What is Creative Flow? Creative flow is a state of being that emerges naturally when a creator is in harmony with all aspects of the creative process. This means that creative flow is not just a feeling that you get when you are actively creating, but rather a state of being that can be achieved throughout the entire creative process. As Alan Watts said, we should remind ourselves often that we’re “a human being not a human doing.” Being is something that the great Eckhart Tolle talks about in his book, The Power of Now. In it, he says, “Give your fullest attention to whatever the moment presents. This implies that you also completely accept what is because you cannot give your full attention to something and at the same time resist it. As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve and life begins to flow with joy and ease. You no longer depend on the future for fulfillment and satisfaction. Therefore, you are not attached to the results; neither failure nor success has the power to change your inner state of being. You have found the life underneath your life situation.” This teaches us that the state of being is not concerned with the future or outcomes, which can often be the obsession of creatives. What is important is that we maintain and focus on a state of being, accepting each moment as it is. When we do this, creative flow emerges naturally. How Does Creative Flow Emerge? When we can tap into a state of heartfelt presence or being, we naturally align ourselves with the is-ness of the all. This is a place of love, unconditional and acceptance of what Is. It is only when we are in harmony with this Is-ness or in dissonance with it that creates those feelings of resistance or creative blocks. Harmony is what happens when sound is vibrating in a way that creates a unity that moves together. It is the symphony of life. When we are in harmony with our creative process, we are in alignment with it. This is why here at Awakened Creators, we talk a lot about being in alignment. The Creative Flow Process Creative flow is not just about actively manifesting through our bodies, but also includes mental processing in order to conceptualize the inspiration that we’ve received, as well as inspiration and the spiritual element of receiving and surrendering. Resting and allowing inspiration to find you is also an important part of the creative flow process. In order to truly be in a state of flow, we must accept all stages of creation. It is like a tree that is always in a state of flow no matter what stage of the process it is in, whether it is in the winter resting, hibernating, going within, or in the spring budding with new ideas, or in the summer and fall, ample and ready to share what is created. Conclusion Now that we understand what creative flow is, we can begin to explore the first aspect of the creative flow process: Where does creativity come from and what is inspiration? In the next video in this series, Amanda will explore these questions and more. Or if you prefer, you can read the article.

Where Does Creativity REALLY Come From? | Creative Flow State Explained 

Creativity is something that has been around since the dawn of time. It is a powerful force that can be used to create beautiful works of art, music, literature, and more. But where does this creative energy come from? In this video, Amanda explains the creative flow state and how to tap into it to access your creative potential. What is Creative Inspiration? Creative inspiration is a state of being that allows us to tap into our dreams, faith, and moments of presence. It is a breath of spirit that can be inhaled to awaken our creative potential. Creative inspiration has nothing to do with the mind, as it is a spiritual process that begins in the realm of infinite possibilities. For example, there are a million depictions of a rose in modern art. No one artist sees a rose the same way. Your unique perspective is what the universe craves and in this you get to choose with your awareness which imaginative perspective you would like to capture and receive. How to Access Creative Inspiration In order to access creative inspiration, we must be in a state of heartfelt presence. This means being in harmony with the creative flow process and trusting that we are the right individuals to perceive such a thing. However, there are a lot of things that can get in the way of allowing inspiration into the creative flow process. This can create dissonance and can make it difficult to access our creative potential. Once we have accessed creative inspiration, we can then move it into the mind. This is where a lot of people think that inspiration starts, but at Awakened Creators, we now know that it begins much earlier than that. Conclusion Creative inspiration is a powerful force that can be used to create beautiful works of art, music, literature, and more. It is a spiritual process that begins in the realm of infinite possibilities and can be accessed through a state of heartfelt presence. Once we have accessed creative inspiration, we can then move it into the mind and begin the creative process. The next video in this series can be viewed here, or you can read the article. At Awakened Creators, we do the inner work necessary to do the outer work that we love. We are so glad to be a part of your creative journey and hope that this video has been helpful in understanding the creative flow state and how to tap into it. If you’d like to align with your creative essence, consider my Heart Alignment Guide where I’ll explain a simple 3-step process for getting in tune with your authentic creative energy.

Don’t Exhaust Yourself Trying to Overcome Creative Blocks, Move Through Them Like This Instead

We talk a lot about overcoming creative blocks with language primed for battle. We scour the internet for ways to “beat creative blocks” or “get rid of creative blocks”. We commiserate to other artists that creative blocks are something we have to begrudgingly deal with or spend time spinning our wheels to solve. Famous creative warrior-himself, writer Steven Pressfield, even wrote a whole bible about the relentless battle against creative blocks titled, THE WAR OF ART. But what if, creative resistance as Pressfield calls it, wasn’t some terrible boogie-man we need to shield our tender creative hearts against, but a normal part of the creative journey, and maybe even a positive one? A More Effective View of Creative Blocks Along my creative journey, I’ve found that my personal creative blocks have been the catalyst for some of the most valuable opportunities to finally resolve the negative beliefs and thought patterns that have not only been keeping me blocked in my writing or art, but in other areas of my life as well. Instead of running away from my creative blocks, when I chose to move through them, I was able to gain long-lasting peace from the subconscious patterns that kept disturbing my creative flow.  Rather than try and circumnavigate creative blocks, only to have them pop up again later, I want to empower you to move through these blocks in ways that expand and ignite you, instead of leaving you exhausted trying to resist your resistance.  Here are five strategies for you to employ the next time creative blocks come up for you. How to Make Your Creative Blocks Work for You The first rule about creative blocks (which I’ll refer to here as shadows) is that we have to shine a light on them in order to see them. The most effective way I have found to do that is through journaling. But this isn’t your standard, diary of your day or endless pages of self-loathing, it’s a specific journaling technique that will help you more effectively get to the root of your creative block. Whether you’re new to journaling or you’ve tried journaling before with lackluster results, be sure and try this technique.  Understand What Creative Block You’re Working With The best way to get to the root of your creative block is to understand what you’re working with. Whatever that voice inside you is saying, let it have some space on the paper. Maybe it sounds something like: “I’ll never be good enough to create this [desired project here].”  “I don’t have enough skills/talent/connections to make this art career work.”  “I have to do things that make me uncomfortable in order to be successful.” The Key Questions to Ask Creative Blocks Once we get eyes on what all the internal fuss is about, we can spend some time questioning these limiting beliefs like a criminal interrogator. Cue your inner “bad cop” and give those limiting beliefs the third degree. Ask yourself the where, when, who and why behind them. Where did this belief come from? When did I hear this was the case? Who told me this was true? Why does believing this feel safer than the alternative? Remember This About Creative Blocks Creative blocks are not the Universe conspiring against you or proof that you aren’t cut out for bringing your artistic vision to life. Creative blocks are simply aspects of your ego (usually via distorted mindsets) that are trying to keep you safe. They’re trying to protect you from your fears of failure, humiliation, etc. When the ego and mind get in cahoots against your creative spirit, no matter how much agony it causes your heart, they think they’re doing it out of love. When you find out the core motivation behind your creative block, you will finally understand what support your spirit is truly asking for.  Give Your Creative Block What It’s (really) Asking For Now is the part where instead of avoiding your creative block, you actually give it what it’s after. But not by giving into the lie. Instead, go straight for the protection your heart needs. For example, if your ego is telling you “you don’t have enough skills to make this creative dream work”… and you discovered through journaling that it’s pretty similar to a situation in school where you tried your hardest on an assignment and got a low grade, and that your ego is just trying to protect you from disappointment, heartbreak, and humiliation…then you can decide to give your heart the protection it needs, without linking it to pursuing an art career. You can choose to love yourself no matter what, to work on developing a sense of self-worth that isn’t attached to external validation, you can choose to show up for yourself in ways that your family or teachers or friends never did. You can choose to give yourself the sense of security you need to feel safe to pursue your dreams, all by yourself. Simply by deciding to. When Creative Blocks are Rooted Deep I used the example of needing security in order to feel safe to create because it’s such a common one. Nearly every creative I work with has trouble protecting their self worth and value when it comes to their creativity. They allow setbacks to be proof of failure, lack of sales to dishearten them, and naysayers to control their destiny. But a sense of security is possible to cultivate without any external validation. In fact, if you want to have experience long term creative success…it’s 100% necessary. And it all starts at the root…the root chakra. Our base chakra or root chakra is the energetic foundation from which our entire creative journey springs from. We can’t get far beyond “survival mode” until we clear, heal, and balance the energy in our root chakra. By establishing a healthy root chakra system, we can secure ourselves in a sense of self-worth that will support us throughout the rest of our creative journey. …