4 Steps to Conquer Your Emotional Triggers | Transmute Creative Rejection & Disappointment

Creative rejection and disappointment can be difficult to process, but it doesn’t have to be. In this article, I’ll share a four-step process to help you move through triggers along your creative journey. Step 1: Listen Objectively The first step is to listen objectively to what your ego and mind are telling you about the experience. It’s important to give voice to the inner dialogues that come up, whether that’s through journaling, speaking out loud, or reaching out to a friend. It’s also important to remember that these dialogues are not necessarily true. Your ego is trying to protect you and will look for conditional circumstances in order to make sense of things. Step 2: Push Conditions to the Side In order to connect to your soul’s truth, you need to push all the conditions to the side. Your soul’s truth is unconditional, pure, and loving. It’s connected to Source and is the thing that really wishes to be expressed. Take a moment to sit in a pool of gooey loving energy and allow yourself to soak it all up. Remind yourself that you are an Awakened Creator, that this is the path you are meant to be on, and that everything that is unfolding for you is for you and is growing you. Step 3: Open Up to Gratitude The fourth and final step is to give gratitude to the entire experience, including gratitude to your ego and mind for showing you what was not in alignment with your soul’s truth. Allow yourself to be thankful for the rejection and for not getting the results you expected. This will help you reaffirm your connection to the divine and open up to the truth of who you are. Step 4: Download My Free Heart Alignment Guide If you want to start strengthening your connection between you and your soul’s truth, I highly recommend you download my free heart alignment guide. This guide will share with you a three-step process that you can do anytime, anywhere to get connected to your heart’s truth. It’s fantastic for getting connected right before you go into an audition or start putting paint to canvas. Conclusion Moving through triggers along your creative journey doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these four steps, you can start to understand how the process works and strengthen your connection to your soul’s truth. I hope this guide has been helpful and I wish you all the best on your creative journey.

man tattooed praying

The Best Prayer for Creativity: The Awakened Creators Invocation

Listen up, because this is the creative ritual that I engage in before starting any creative project. It really helps me to release self-judgement and open up to creative flow. It is hands down, the best prayer for creativity I have ever used. The Awakened Creators Invocation (aka Creativity Prayer), is super easy to understand and use.  You can check out the quick video I made to explain the process, or just read this blog! Step 1 – Create Sacred Space The first thing that I have to do is create sacred space as part of my creativity ritual. I have a whole video playlist devoted to how to create sacred space as part of developing your own creative rituals here. Creating sacred space for my creativity includes: Locking the door Asking my family not to disturb me Clearing my energy (you can burn sage or just take some deep breaths) Center in my heart (you can hold crystals (link to crystals for creativity) or just place your hands on your heart) Step 2 – Read the Creativity Prayer Out Loud Now it is time to read the Awakened Creators Invocation, which you can download in my FREE Elevate & Create Guide. Note: This creativity prayer allows you to insert the name of your own personal concept of God. It does not require you to hold any particular religion or belief system or any belief system at all. You could pray to Yoda for all I care.  It is important that you read the invocation aloud and with sincerity. It will feel awkward at first and that’s okay. You will get used to it with time and soon even memorize the words.  And that’s it! Performing this super simple ritual for creativity is a great way to clear your mind, and prepare yourself for whatever experience wants to come through.  If you haven’t downloaded the FREE Elevate and Create PDF Guide you can do that here. The PDF of the invocation is gorgeous! I’m super proud of it! I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. And don’t forget to join the Awakened Creators family over on Instagram @awakened.creators for daily creative inspiration and guidance.  Much love, Amanda