Letting the Music Speak for Itself | Interview w/ Music Artist & Producer Leash Da BEAAST

“I have the hardest time expressing myself, so music and poetry are my mediums for expression.”

Today’s Awakened Creator Spotlight is on Leash Da BEAAST, a music artist & producer, whose rhymes and beats speak volumes of unspoken words straight from the heart.

Connect with her on Bandcamp, Instagram @beaastonthebeat and @unlisse_productionsllc , or TikTok: @beaastonthebeat

Here is Leash Da BEAAST in her own words on her creative journey and what it means to be an Awakened Creator.

Tell us about your authentic creative expression. What do you love to create and why?

I love to create music and content surrounding it. Music is my escape from the outside world, and my therapy for coping with my anxiety and depression. I have the hardest time expressing myself, so music and poetry are my mediums for expression.

What most often gets in your way as a creator and how do you stay in alignment and flow?

Sometimes, I do find myself comparing where I am in my journey and my successes to others via social media. This causes me to lose confidence within myself and my craft temporarily. That is when I take a break from social media, constantly remind myself of my accomplishments thus far, and also remind myself even the most difficult times are necessary in my journey and development. And it helps me to embrace the darkness more.

If you could offer words of wisdom or support to your fellow creators, what would you say?

DON’T let anyone dictate how YOUR art should be depicted. You do what feels right to you whenever it comes to your art or anything you desire in life.

What does being an Awakened Creator mean to you?

Being an Awakened Creator means being fully aware of your artistic capabilities, your triggers, your solutions, your everything. And embracing every quality about yourself, good and bad.

Want to connect with Leash Da BEAAST?

Check out Leash Da BEAAST’s honest lyrical creations on:

Bandcamp: https://leashdabeaast.bandcamp.com/ 

Instagram: @beaastonthebeat and @unlisse_productionsllc 

TikTok: @beaastonthebeat

Do you have the desire to align with your authentic creative expression?

If you want to feel free to create from the heart like our featured creator, my HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide will show you a pathway home.

I will personally guide you (with quick video lessons) through a simple yet powerful creative ritual that will bring your heART back online so you can start creating from that space again.

Access the HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide for free.

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