Tapping Nature’s Wellspring of Inspiration | Interview w/ Visual Artist D Valenzuela

“The way things work in harmony in nature and the fact that nothing goes to waste is so inspiring. The tiniest things often hold the most magic.”

Today’s Awakened Creator Spotlight is on D, a Visual Artist, whose appreciation for nature’s inspirations, big and small, has opened a wellspring of creative biodiversity. 

Connect with D at her website, Etsy shop, and Instagram: @daydreamn.d

Here is D in her own words on her creative journey and what it means to be an Awakened Creator.

Tell us about your authentic creative expression. What do you love to create and why?

I am inspired by my surroundings and the natural world. The tiniest things often hold the most magic. Drops of dew on fungi, snails with their intricate shells, different textures of moss and lichen, worms and the way they wiggle. The way things work in harmony in nature and the fact that nothing goes to waste is so inspiring.

I often think of my childhood and time spent exploring outside in Colombia during the summers. Catching frogs, watching rain gather, all of the vibrant greens. My abuela’s paintings and creations molded space in my mind for so much wonder. Having children has reawakened that childlike sense of wonder and it’s a gift to be able to be amazed by such small, simple things. I feel I can never run out of inspiration because I know where to look when my well is running dry.

What most often gets in your way as a creator and how do you stay in alignment and flow?

My own mind often gets in my way. I overthink my process, or sometimes the way I present it. Imposter syndrome sets in and I wonder to myself what I am trying to gain out of sharing my art. I think social media is such a double edged sword. On the one hand, we are so lucky to have it at our disposal and make connections with people from all over the world. We can reach so many eyes and hopefully, hearts.

On the other hand, we can find ourselves in a nasty comparison war, fixated on numbers and trying to appease an ever changing system.

It’s such a crazy dance. But I think when you find community, the good outweighs the bad. You support each other and stand together in solidarity. You bounce ideas back and forth and get honest feedback. You water each other and cheer one another on as you grow at different paces. It’s beautiful, really.

When I’m feeling out of alignment, I often think of my future self, my past selves, my ancestors, my children, looking at me where I am at in any given moment. And no matter what stage I am at, I know they’re proud that I am brave enough to silence my fears and chase my bliss.


If you could offer words of wisdom or support to your fellow creators, what would you say?

Don’t allow yourself to be defined by your own ideas. Learn to become flexible, allow yourself to suck at something new, and actively try to engage in the art community that you find supports and welcomes you. Make friends with other artists, collaborate and dream up possibilities. Do that thing that makes you cringe a little (and find the bit of freedom that comes with allowing yourself to do it). Look at the world through your creative, curious eyes, and you’ll never run out of inspiration. 

What does being an Awakened Creator mean to you?

An Awakened Creator is someone who is sure of their own vision and purpose. Even if that vision changes often. The journey isn’t a perfectly straight, tidy line. There are detours, hiatuses, and road blocks a plenty. But an Awakened Creator always returns back to their vision because in following and sharing that, they find their purpose.

Want to connect with D?

Check out D’s nature inspired creations on:

Instagram: @daydreamn.d

Etsy: Daydreamndart

Her website: daydreamn-d-art.shop/

Do you have the desire to align with your authentic creative expression?

If you want to feel free to create from the heart, my HeART Alignment Creative Ritual guide will show you a pathway home.

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